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About Us

ProcTorr Investments is a family business that has it's roots dating back to 2005. The first investment property Peter & Lesley bought was a  3-bedroom single family home in Calgary that they still own today. Soon afterwards Peter and Lesley purchased two more investment properties, a 1-bedroom rental suite and a 2-bedroom lakeside property that they now enjoy for their own use after several successful years of renting.


In 2014 Peter & Lesley saw an opportunity to take their investing to the next level and Proctor-Torrance Corporation was incorporated in Canada, and ProcTorr Investments, LLC in USA. Within a very short time ProcTorr Investments had successfully bought houses in Alabama, Missouri, Texas and Florida. They also bought land in Florida, Arizona and Colorado.


Peter says, "Investing in USA is no different than investing in Canada. ProcTorr Investments is in the marketing business, and once marketing has been mastered then there are no borders or limits to where someone can invest. With partners on the ground in several cities in USA, ProcTorr Investments is free to market and invest anywhere there are opportunities." 


Peter & Lesley | Proctorr Investments | Property Investments USA and Canada
*Home and Land Owners:  If you need to sell your property quickly we will do everything we can to help, and get you an offer quickly.  We can close quickly and you will save on commissions, as we are not Realtors.
*Investors:  Are you looking for great deals on properties to Fix & Flip, Buy & Hold, or a Joint Venture Partnership, then please send us your criteria and we will find you the best deals, with the highest possible ROI.  
Peter | Proctorr Investments | Property Investments USA and Canada
Land Acquisitions and Sales 

Peter started his career in the Merchant Navy where he served for 5-years as an Engineering Officer on Oil Tankers. After leaving the navy Peter went to University in Edinburgh and then Glasgow where he earned a Masters Degree in Engineering. In 1995 Peter moved to Canada and worked in equipment design before moving into Major Projects in the Alberta Oil Sands. It was during this later period that Peter began to invest in real estate and soon realized that investing in real estate was his future.

Lesley | Proctorr Investments | Property Investments USA and Canada
House Acquisitions and Sales  

Lesley started her career in the Oil & Gas Industry in Scotland back in 1995, working in various groups within Accounting & Finance.  In 2004 her job took her to Canada and she was with the same company for 24 years. She met Peter in 2007, and they married in 2008. It wasn't long before Lesley realized that Investing in Real Estate was her passion, and along with Peter they started their business, working in the USA as well as Canada, and have never looked back.

ProcTorr Investments © 2014 All rights reserved.

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